Anyone who has spent time teaching (probably you) knows that it is hard to gauge how a lesson will fly with a particular group until you try it. And something else you learn after teaching for many years is that what goes swimmingly with one group sinks like a stone with another. Is it you? Maybe you are having a bad day? Probably not. Groups and people — online and off — have unique needs and rhythms for learning. How will you know how your course will work? You will follow this plan, of course :). And you will try it. You can reiterate your course based on feedback.
My most important advice, after working with loads of people over the years — unless you have to launch, it’s easy to delay — and perfecting everything before launch can lead to immobilization. Don’t wait too long!
Let some people go through and try it, then reiterate and launch bigger.
Take our 4-week course, Create Online Learning That Works, which includes coaching and feedback on your ideas! You could actually leave that course having created your class or program! Or write to us at for web, LMS, LearnDash, e-learning design–development, troubleshooting, and coaching. Or to have us build you a WP/LearnDash platform and develop your online courses.